It been over a year. I’d like to think the delay in posting is because of too many things happening but it may be because of my age.
The problems I had firing large pots are still happening, but may be almost fixed. I’ve had problems with my glazes and all kinds of problems that aren’t to do with pottery.
One of the disruptions was last year. My wife convinced me to sell at a Christmas Fair at a church where she is a member. I usually don’t do this…really never do that. It takes an enormous amount of energy and planning. You have to pack the pots to go rumbling over the road to the church hall. Find a place to set up. Set up. Unpack. You have to have visibly priced everything. Bring real money for change…there’s a lot more.
I didn’t expect to sell much. Its an iffy type thing to sell at fairs. I had packed most of my inventory just so I could fill some shelves. My wife set up her stuff next to mine. And we sat down to relax.
We didn’t relax. We almost sold out. I never made so much from pottery at one time. I was stunned.
The bad part was my inventory was depleted and I had nothing for ETSY. I and my inventory still haven’t recovered. So I’ve been trying to work in my “retired” sort of way.
There’s more, like on my glazes and the dunting on big pots, but right now my wife is pestering to come in and eat (she’d like to see me fat). I’ll try to write more.